It can be very difficult to try to figure out how to have fun in your free time without spending a lot of money! Though going on vacations and shopping sprees are definitely enjoyable, they are not always an option for couples, families and singles on a budget! Even though you are trying to stop over spending, that does not mean you have to give…
Best Year Round Activities to do in New York on a Budget
Planning a trip to New York, or just planning a weekend at home can be difficult for New Yorkers and tourists on a budget. Our city is a beautiful and interesting place, but it can be very expensive and hard to enjoy without overspending, unless you know some of these tricks and secrets! Here are some activities to take advantage of in all types of…
Secret tips on keeping your focus on how to get out of debt?
For many families and individuals, getting out of debt can seem like an impossible task that they will never achieve. It is possible to reach that goal. It is not easy but if you follow these secret saving tips you will be able to achieve financial freedom. Set short-term goals for yourself The thought of dealing with debt can be very daunting and may cause…
Is Balance Transfer with credit cards a good idea or a bad idea?
Balance transfers can be an intimidating thought for many people in debt. They are an unknown for many people and may seem like there is a catch somewhere they are missing. Why would credit card companies give up their high interest rates for lower ones when they already have consumers in their net? If you are smart about doing these transfers they can be a…
Credit Card Debt is Straining American Family Life, Now and For Decades to Come!
Many Americans use credit cards in daily life to extend the budget when they do not have the cash flow they want. The problem that comes with doing this is the high interest rates that come with not being able to pay off the balance in full every month. Dealing with mounting bills can put a lot of stress on a families well being. There…
Millennials and Their Debt Problems; Some Solutions That Can Help
Millenials emerging into society today are unlucky enough to be apart of an economy full of debt. More than ever those lucky enough to graduate from college have more debt than they will be able to pay off with mounting interest. For those who do not go to college and those who do, life is still more expensive than ever before. The result of this…
Household Debt Raising At An Alarming Rate?
A large majority of families today are under an alarming financial strain. Cost of living all over the country is going up faster than salaries can keep up. A once steady salary for a family is now keeping families struggling and living paycheck to paycheck. Most families these days are two income houses, but that is no longer enough in many cases. Now a lot…
Average U.S. Family Has More Debt Than Ever In History, and the Economy Is Going To React
American’s today have more debt than ever before and it is affecting not only everyday lives of families, but the economy as well. When families are drowning in debt, they have less money to spend on shopping and going out into the community to spend and enjoy like they would if they didn’t have to pay constant debt. There is no doubt that this will…
Credit Card Debt is Straining American Family Life, Now and For Decades to Come!
Many Americans use credit cards in daily life to extend the budget when they do not have the cash flow they want. The problem that comes with doing this is the high interest rates that come with not being able to pay off the balance in full every month. Dealing with mounting bills can put a lot of stress on a families well being. There…
Can Wiping Out Student Debt, Hugely Boost the US Economy?
When it comes to student debt, American’s are drowning. Many people today are graduating with advanced degrees but can’t get jobs that give them the ability to pay off the loans in a reasonable amount of time or pay the high payments at all! There are ways to plan and budget to make sure you can make your payments and try to get ahead of…